Saturday, 29 November 2014

Report claims a third of UK jobs at risk from robots

Title: Report claims a third of UK jobs at risk from robots

This article is about warnings of a threat to UK jobs from robots rather than immigrants. These changes coming in the next two decades are fully understood and anticipated by businesses, policy makers and educators, there will be a risk of avoidable unemployment and under-employment.


Ø  It claims that 35% of existing UK jobs is at “high risk of replacement in the next 20 years” from technology, automation and robotics, with lower-paid jobs more than five times more likely to be replaced than higher-paid jobs.

Ø  The report also suggests that in London specifically, 73% of businesses are planning to increase their overall headcount, to bring in the new skills and roles required by technology advances.


In my opinion, the fact that new and digital media is becoming so advanced that robots are threatening to take over the low paid jobs.

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