Title: Double trouble for Apple, as two software security flaws
This article informs the audience
about how there is twice as much trouble in regards to Apple’s desktop
operating system and the emergence of a new iPhone malware. The vulnerabilities
that have been found in Apple are for users of Mac OS X. The first is the Root pipe
this was found by a Swedish hacker called Emil Kvarnhammar; this enables an
attacker to gain “root” control of a computer, known as the highest level of
access, without the Intel of using a password. Root pipe, in theory allows a
hacker to install any malicious software that could be used to seal credit
cards details or other personal data, among other things. The second is called
Wire lurker; this is the first malware that has been found in the wild, which
targets iOS devices that haven’t been jailbroken, it can be used to extract the
basic personnel information from a phone. Wire lurker tricks the user in to
installing it on their Mac and then waits until an iPhone and iPad is plugged
in over the USB before using trusted relationship between the two to install
software on the mobile device.
In my opinion this continues to
put Apple in the spotlight for controversy, especially since Apple has not yet
responded to the request for comments. Apple has become targeted yet again via
hacking and vulnerability, this shows that Apple is suffering in regards of
reputation and seriously needs to fix up their security systems.
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