Title: The stark reality of print
media's decline
article is a year old; however it portrays the how traditional media has been
declining in 2013, as a survey conducted by the pew research centre in the
United States, the article throws around statistics that are in favour of
newspapers becoming a dying breed of media. The article concludes on how
digital media has become the front runner in all 3 platforms and
Key fact/phrases:
Newspapers' revenues from print advertising have
declined from $44.9 billion in 2003 to $18.9 billion in 2012
You can't sustain continuous large annual losses
in print advertising revenue and daily circulation (down 14 percent and 8
percent, respectively, in 2012)
Pew asks respondents where they got their news
the day before. In 2012, 39 percent answered the Web, including social media,
up sharply from 2004's 24 percent, the earliest data. Meanwhile, only 29
percent answered newspapers in 2012, down from 47 percent in 2000.
My opinion:
my opinion, this is a very important article, even though it is a year old it
provide sufficient evidence in the significant impact on the news, and how in a
short period of time digital media has completely change the media landscape
where digital media has become so much more profitable than broadsheets and
tabloids. Newspapers are continuing to go in to the decline, this is because
apps and websites have become more convenient and easier to access that even 5
year olds are able to access it. Furthermore, the fact that newspapers are declining,
implies the domino effect of us as an audience becoming less intellectual and
use to a more simplistic structure of news.
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