Title: Revenge porn could lead to 14-year sentence, new
guidelines clarify
The article begins on the problem
and change of guidance on revenge porn, which is putting explicit images of
former partners online. The new guidance is that the Crown Prosecution service
suggests it will now carry a maximum sentence 14 years. The guidelines also
state that the prosecutions shouldn’t be bought under the obscenity act but the
Sexual Offense Act 2003. A
spokesperson for the CPS said: “No one should have to suffer the hurt and
humiliation of ‘revenge pornography’ – a nasty and invasive crime that appears,
anecdotally at least, to have increased as social media use has gone up. The article goes on to state what revenge
porn is specifically.
Key Phrases/Facts:
Ø “The
CPS prosecutes these cases using a range of current laws, and we have now
clarified our legal guidance to set out clearly how these cases should be
brought to court.
Ø “Due
to the very personal nature of ‘revenge pornography’, prosecutors are being
asked specifically to consider the impact on the victims involved.
Ø “The
new guidance also makes clear that the context of each case needs to be
considered alongside current guidelines to ensure that the most appropriate
legislation is used when prosecuting. The public, and indeed that intent on
attacking former partners in this way, can now see clearly that this is a crime
that can and will be prosecuted.”
Ø Last
week, figures uncovered by the Press Association showed schoolgirls were among
those targeted, while adults had been blackmailed into having sex with their
tormentor after indecent – previously private – images were put on the
Ø There
were 149 allegations of crimes involving revenge pornography during the last
two-and-a-half years, according to the eight police forces in England and Wales
with data on it.
My Opinion:
I believe this article highlights
a very important issue of privacy and how it’s changed along with the impact of
new and digital media on the audiences. In terms of internet privacy, there is
none, as the audience we are prone to literally violation of our personal
information, by hackers, institutions like Google and perverts/paedophiles online.
The impact that new and digital media has had on the audience is that we have
become vulnerable and to media dependent, according to the dependency theory,
we depend on the media to be in touch with the latest affairs and breaking
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