Title: After Snapchat and Dropbox, it's time to realise that
the modern web is hostile
This article is about the
recurring issues with security being controversial in recent months. The denial
by Snapchat and Dropbox being hacked has bought the question of security back
in to the spotlight. Both the cases of leaked pictures and videos, in terms of Snapchat,
and millions of logins available, in the case of Dropbox, have been caused by
third-party websites. In terms of Snapchat, the website snapsave.com has
revealed thousands of explicit and inappropriate photos and videos. The article
then gives the reason of security to why security is important and it is safe
to use different passwords for different sites. The article then goes to state
that hacking is recurring in all newer forms of media and technology, linking
it to the rapid growth stage of Twitter and Facebook where they had theft
logins. After Snapchat’s problems, there may be a wider cleansing of the very
insecure practice of letting third-party sites have logins.
In my opinion the current era of technology, security has
been endangered, as Andrew keen had stated “the internet is killing our culture”
it has been quite evident in regards to security and how safety has no longer become
priority compare to the latest apps and trends.
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