Title: Surge in illegal sales of drugs as gangs exploit
‘phenomenal market’ online
This article is about gangs using
Smartphone apps and social media to sell erectile dysfunction drugs and
slimming pills at low risk and high profit. The revolution of social media and
the increased access to the internet through smart phones are factors that are
the source to a massive rise in illicit sales of pharmaceuticals. Criminals and
gangs have become accustomed to utilising social media to sell “lifestyle drugs”.
The gangs operate through sites that claim to be bona fide online pharmacies
with the main focus on medicines that people are reluctant to talk to their
GP/pharmacy about, like Viagra.
Ø This
year, he said the MHRA had seized 1.2m doses of illegally supplied erectile
dysfunction drugs, 383,000 slimming products and 331,000 doses of sleeping
pills, tranquillisers and antidepressants – mostly originating from China and
Ø For
the first time, the MHRA pursued YouTube accounts and removed 18,671 videos
that directed viewers to websites offering illicit drugs.
Ø Gangs
that sold counterfeit drugs stood to make €200-€500 (£390) for every single
euro invested.
Ø In
2010, the World Customs Organisation estimated that the global market for
counterfeit drugs was worth $200bn (£130bn), putting it ahead of prostitution.
The combined heroin and cocaine markets are worth $160bn.
In my opinion, the revolution known
as Internet has given birth to a world of freedom and opportunity, that has benefitted
the working class as they are able to get there voice out and stand out rather
than become a sheep to the shepherd known as our government. With the benefits
of the internet and new and digital media there have also come consequences in
this case being the rise of drug crime, where the risk is low and the profits
are high.
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