Sunday, 25 January 2015

Beam me up Scotty: German scientists invent working teleported, of sorts

Title: Beam me up Scotty: German scientists invent working teleported, of sorts

This article is about how scientists from Hasso Plattner Institute in Potsdam have invented a real-life teleporter system that can scan in an object and “beam it” to another location. The process relies on destructive scanning and 3D printing. The system entails an object at one end of the system is milled down layer-by-layer, creating a scan per layer which is then transmitted through an encrypted communication to a 3D printer. The printer then replicates the original object layer by layer, effectively teleporting an object from one place to another.

Ø  Teleportation has been the holy grail of transport for decades, ever since Mr Scott first beamed up Captain Kirk and his crew in the 1966 opening episode of Star Trek. Now the technology may have been cracked in real life … sort of.

In my opinion, this is reminiscent and nostalgic of all the cartoon shows that we use to watch as children where people were transported from one place to another, granted that this is slightly different as it only transports inanimate objects it’s at least one step closer to that of what we recall from childhood.  

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