Sunday, 18 January 2015

Google searches for a way to avoid Microsoft’s fate

Title: Google searches for a way to avoid Microsoft’s fate


Google’s share of the web-search market in the US has suddenly dropped is interesting, which has put Google on edge of working on a Plan B, if and when their search engine is becoming less popular and pretty useless in these modernised times. The article goes on to talk about how Bill Gates had said he sees Google as a modern day Microsoft, and how Microsoft’s decline was similar to Google’s at the current moment. The last section of the article explains how Google is trying to stay as king of the mountain by innovation, such as the self driving car.

Ø  According to an independent analytics firm, StatCounter, last month Google’s market share dropped to 75.2%, compared with 79.3% a year earlier.
Ø  Since 2008, when StatCounter started tracking the data. Yahoo, by contrast, seems to be on the up: its December market share (10.4%) was the highest it has achieved since 2009.
Ø  Google is still the dominant player in search or that its share of the European search market ranges between 90% and 96%, depending on which country you look at. 
Ø  Advertising provided $51bn of the company’s $56bn revenues last year.


In my opinion, the flailing attempt of Google in trying to survive the digital and modern age, Google a once monolithic titan that has now become a somewhat pathetic shadow of itself that is now slowly beginning its decent in to the history books, as a revolutionary pioneer of this new and digital era.   Google is fading, shrinking dissolving, it’s having sly successes in other niches, however looking at the abolishment of Google glass, and maybe this is a symbolic sign for the final downfall of all of Google’s products including the self driving car.

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