Sunday, 25 January 2015

Beam me up Scotty: German scientists invent working teleported, of sorts

Title: Beam me up Scotty: German scientists invent working teleported, of sorts

This article is about how scientists from Hasso Plattner Institute in Potsdam have invented a real-life teleporter system that can scan in an object and “beam it” to another location. The process relies on destructive scanning and 3D printing. The system entails an object at one end of the system is milled down layer-by-layer, creating a scan per layer which is then transmitted through an encrypted communication to a 3D printer. The printer then replicates the original object layer by layer, effectively teleporting an object from one place to another.

Ø  Teleportation has been the holy grail of transport for decades, ever since Mr Scott first beamed up Captain Kirk and his crew in the 1966 opening episode of Star Trek. Now the technology may have been cracked in real life … sort of.

In my opinion, this is reminiscent and nostalgic of all the cartoon shows that we use to watch as children where people were transported from one place to another, granted that this is slightly different as it only transports inanimate objects it’s at least one step closer to that of what we recall from childhood.  

WhatsApp messenger makes move to the web

Title: WhatsApp messenger makes move to the web

This article is about the how whatsapp messenger, which is a major communication application that is now entering the web-iverse, as they have a new web-based app that finally, allows users to send messages from a computer to contacts using smartphones. It also allows them to reply all chats.

Ø  The new platform allows WhatsApp’s 700m users to send and receive free text, picture and voice messages through Google Chrome on a computer, but only if they use WhatsApp on an Android, Windows Phone or BlackBerry. IPhone users need not apply.
Ø  The Facebook-owned service recently announced that it had 700m monthly active users who send more than 30bn WhatsApp messages a day. It has added about 25m users a month since August 2014.
Ø  WhatsApp’s main rivals include Facebook’s own Messenger app, which reached 500m active users in November and can be used through a web browser without a connection to the smartphone, along with Chinese messaging app WeChat, which reached 438m active users in August.


In my opinion, this is a prime example of the rapid growth of New and digital media has revolutionised communication, as originally it was 2 cans and thread of string, but messaging has grown from phone to phone to phone to computer. The fact that whatsapp has entered websites platform presents how there is major competition and the race to survive the hardship of staying on top. There is a necessity of staying on top.   

Thursday, 22 January 2015

Identities and the Media: Reading the Riots

  1. How did the language and selection of images in the coverage create a particular representation of young people? 
The language and selection of images had created a negative representation of the youth and teenagers in particular due to the incorporated Mise-en-scene being a recall to that of action films and unlined reality which may have over exaggerated the riots to create an even more inaccurate representation of young people.

  1. Why does David Buckingham mention Owen Jones and his work Chavs: the demonization of the working class?
David Buckingham mentions Owen Jones due to the fact Owen Jones states that there is a new modernised Britain and that the working class has slowly become an object if fear and ridicule within the media.

  1. What is the typical representation of young people – and teenage boys in particular? What did the 2005 IPSOS/MORI survey find?
The survey discovered that 40% of articles that included/mentioned young people primarily focused on violence and not their positive achievements. Also, 71% of the overall articles presented them in a negative manner.

  1. How can Stanley Cohen’s work on Moral Panic be linked to the coverage of the riots?
The theory of moral panic can be applied as the coverage of the riots constructed an overall consensus of fear and panic for young people whist it was occurring which undoubtedly has stayed with many individuals. 

  1. What elements of the media and popular culture were blamed for the riots?
The blamed elements were Rap music, violent video games and reality TV for their ‘undisciplined’ nature.

  1. How was social media blamed for the riots? What was interesting about the discussion of social media when compared to the Arab Spring in 2011?
Social media as it helped organise, advertise and spread the riots as its primary users are to a similar demographic of the ones involved in the riots. This is in contrast to the Arab springs in which social media was championed as being a new democratic format for oppressed individuals to voice their opinions on.

  1. The riots generated a huge amount of comment and opinion - both in mainstream and social media. How can the two-step flow theory be linked to the coverage of the riots? 
The two step-floe theory can be linked as 'twitter famous' individuals became opinion leaders on which many of their follower relied on their opinion to help construct their own.

  1. Alternatively, how might media scholars like Henry Jenkins view the 'tsunami' of blogs, forums and social media comments? Do you agree that this shows the democratisation of the media?
I believe that this does show democratisation as individuals who may or may not be oppressed can express their opinions and have freedom of speech without fear of backlash due to new and digital media being anonymous.

  1. What were the right-wing responses to the causes of the riots?
The right wing response was negative as they were compared to beasts and dogs that could not be controlled and needed to be put on 'leashes'.

  1. What were the left-wing responses to the causes of the riots?
The left wing blamed society and the inequality present in it and the continuous negative reprobation that has existed for a number of years and also cuts youth centres etc.

  1. What are your OWN views on the main causes of the riots?
I believe the riots took place due to a combination of two things. First of all, a there was a bias representation of the youth in the media. Secondly, the cut of funds that kept teenagers busy in long uneventful periods leading to the quick spread and adoption around the country as a form of entertainment. 

  1. How can capitalism be blamed for the riots? What media theory (from our new/digital media unit) can this be linked to?
Capitalism can be blamed as we now live in a materialistic society and many individuals believe their worth is characterised by their possessions. Therefore, when there was an opportunity to obtain a large number of desired goods, many acknowledged this and decided to exploit it.

  1. Were people involved in the riots given a voice in the media to explain their participation?
People involved in the riots were not provided an opportunity to voice their opinion as it may have gone against the representation many institutions have created for them. Also, it may have challenged hegemonic views designed by the controlling class to achieve events such as the riots to keep parts of society 'in their place' and ensure other classes had the same injected view of them.

  1. What is your own opinion on the riots? Do you have sympathy with those involved or do you believe strong prison sentences are the right approach to prevent such events happening in future?

In my opinion the riots were a culmination of several factors that had led to a large blow to the UK and became memorable. I do have sympathy for a small minority of the victims as they may have legitimately troubled and have viable reasons to rot. 

Sunday, 18 January 2015

US and UK plan cyber ‘war games’ to test resilience

Title: US and UK plan cyber ‘war games’ to test resilience

This artivle is about a rolling programme of transatlantic cyber “war games” are to be conducted by British and US intelligence agencies to test their resilience in the face of mounting global cyber-attacks. Obama and Cameron have been finalizing plans to take the first step to simulate attacks on the banks of London city and Wall Street.

Ø  Agents from GCHQ and MI5 on the UK side and from the National Security Agency and the FBI on the US side are already working in the US division of the cell. This will be matched by a cyber-cell in the UK.
Ø  In a speech on Tuesday at the National Cyber security Communications Integration Centre, the president spoke of the need for a “shared mission” involving the government and the private sector. Warning that most of the US’s “critical infrastructure” is owned by the private sector and run on networks connected to the net, the president said: “Neither the government nor the private sector can defend the nation alone. It is going to have to be a shared mission.”


In my opinion, this is quite intriguing in terms that they are insane enough to attack the banks/wall street when if they do the systems will be vulnerable and when they do carry this out the likelihood that any hackers won’t be just waiting to hack and attack the systems to make millions just disappear.

Elon Musk donates $10m to keep artificial intelligence good for humanity

Title: Elon Musk donates $10m to keep artificial intelligence good for humanity

Billionaire entrepreneur and space travel-fan, Elon Musk says his money should be used to address concerns over safety. Musk has donated $10m to an AI research institute earmarked for a global research programme aimed at keeping AI beneficial to humanity.

Ø  The money will be used to support the goals laid out by the more than 100 AI researchers in early January, when they signed an open letter put out by the Future of Life Institute (FLI) calling on scientists to avoid AI “pitfalls”.
Ø  The FLI warns that self-driving cars need better ethical underpinnings before they can hit the streets, and that the economic case for replacing large sections of the workforce with robots ought to be subject to more scrutiny.

In my opinion, this is an intriguing topic as artificial intelligence is still a new industry despite its recent emergence. Artificial intelligence brings a whole new ball game to the table, and with it there is a dramatic benefit to risk ratio. Personally I am intrigued and concerned; watching films about robots tends to change the ones perspective to the AI killing humanity.

Google Glass can return – but it must clear four big hurdles first

Title: Google Glass can return – but it must clear four big hurdles first

This article is about the recent halt to the Google glass project and a question on its future, a possible return as a fully fledged product. The article then goes on to explain the 4 hurdles that are preventing the return of the product. Google didn’t see the insult “Glasshole” coming, according to the Wall Street Journal. “The word Glasshole was a surprise to me. None of us had thought about that,” a former Google X executive told the paper. The Google glasses do not look appealing at all. The number one complaint is that the glasses just don’t last long enough. The need for a slim profile means that the battery pack is necessarily tiny, and there’s no easy way to make the device last longer without making that pack bigger.

Ø  It all points to Google’s desire to make Glass a genuine consumer-focused gadget, rather than the niche-interest product which appealed to the “explorers” who were prepared to pay £999 to be fancy beta-testers.


In my opinion, the slightest inkling of returning Google glass would be a big and horrific mistake, it’s a product unwanted, and lost cause, there is no real point using a product that has no real worth or use. Being devil’s advocate the idea is simple and complex at once, and is incredible on paper, in some sense a vision of the future, BUT it isn’t worth the hassle, no one in their senses would pay a grand to wear glasses that run out of power fast. Also, i would not want to be called a bloody Glasshole.

Amazon EU Sarl paid too little tax, EU competition regulator says

Title: Amazon EU Sarl paid too little tax, EU competition regulator says

Amazon’s main European trading company that accounts for a fifth of the online retailers’ worldwide sales has been paying too little tax for years. This article goes on to explain Amazon’s troubled past with tax and how they have been struggling to sort it out.

Ø  Amazon EU Sarl, the group’s Luxembourg trading hub sales of €13.6bn (£10.3bn) in 2013, had been paying inflated royalty fees to another Amazon entity.
Ø  AEHT made profits of €1.93bn in the seven years from 2007 to 2013 after receiving €3.31bn from other Amazon companies, according to a Guardian analysis of its accounts. At the end of that period Amazon EU Sarl still owed AEHT €2.1bn.
Ø  Among the most controversial aspects of Amazon’s 2003 tax ruling, the commission’s decision paper suggested was an effective cap on the amount that could be earned by Amazon EU Sarl, being 0.55% of turnover. The commission claimed this provided an “effective override”, replacing a more conventional basis on which to calculate the proper value of royalties.


In my opinion, this article is about how new and digital media has become so advance it’s assisted in tax evasion in some sense.

Google searches for a way to avoid Microsoft’s fate

Title: Google searches for a way to avoid Microsoft’s fate


Google’s share of the web-search market in the US has suddenly dropped is interesting, which has put Google on edge of working on a Plan B, if and when their search engine is becoming less popular and pretty useless in these modernised times. The article goes on to talk about how Bill Gates had said he sees Google as a modern day Microsoft, and how Microsoft’s decline was similar to Google’s at the current moment. The last section of the article explains how Google is trying to stay as king of the mountain by innovation, such as the self driving car.

Ø  According to an independent analytics firm, StatCounter, last month Google’s market share dropped to 75.2%, compared with 79.3% a year earlier.
Ø  Since 2008, when StatCounter started tracking the data. Yahoo, by contrast, seems to be on the up: its December market share (10.4%) was the highest it has achieved since 2009.
Ø  Google is still the dominant player in search or that its share of the European search market ranges between 90% and 96%, depending on which country you look at. 
Ø  Advertising provided $51bn of the company’s $56bn revenues last year.


In my opinion, the flailing attempt of Google in trying to survive the digital and modern age, Google a once monolithic titan that has now become a somewhat pathetic shadow of itself that is now slowly beginning its decent in to the history books, as a revolutionary pioneer of this new and digital era.   Google is fading, shrinking dissolving, it’s having sly successes in other niches, however looking at the abolishment of Google glass, and maybe this is a symbolic sign for the final downfall of all of Google’s products including the self driving car.

BuzzFeed launches its own 'public chat' channel in messaging app Viber

Title: BuzzFeed launches its own 'public chat' channel in messaging app Viber

The upcoming online news site BuzzFeed is entering a new area, with its new partner Viber in the messaging niche. They are launching a public chat channel in Viber. They are planning to use the BuzzFeed’s journalists so that they will post links to stories within the channel and chip in to the discussion around them. It is already glamorised by the fact that there are several celebrities, such as Pixie Lott and Paul van Dyk, YouTuber Tyler Oakley and gossip blogger Perez Hilton, using the app that it is assisting its growth and development.

Ø  Viber is owned by Japanese internet giant Rakuten, and which has more than 209 million monthly active users.
Ø  “We’re always looking for new channels to expand our reach and public chats is a great opportunity to give Viber’s worldwide audience a way to discover and engage with BuzzFeed’s latest news, lifestyle, and entertainment content,” said BuzzFeed’s product lead for growth and data, Ben Ronne.
Ø  In October 2014, it inked a deal with Chinese messaging app WeChat, inviting its 400 million-plus users to follow BuzzFeed’s account to be sent “one or two of the most viral things on the web” each day.
Ø  “Messaging is the new social media,” claimed Union Square Ventures’ partner Fred Wilson


In my opinion, the fact that BuzzFeed is in development similar to that of Facebook/Twitter/Instagram/Snapchat has seen large levels of globalisation being encapsulated in to Viber. This is just evidence how history repeats itself, where BuzzFeed will be on top for a short term, claiming to be on the top of the mountain until they begin to be replaced by a newer more digitised applications, who knows there may be a convergence of WhatsApp and Viber.  

Mock exam Feed back/ Learner response

Mark- 37/48 
Grade- B+

WWW- Very strong use of examples and a good balanced essay
EBI- Include more about the news case study, especially from a Marxist perspective- write another paragraph that outlines the power of gatekeepers and the influence of hegemony

Learner Response:

The Marxist perspective argues that the people in power control what the people with less power consume. In Marxist philosophy, the term cultural hegemony describes the domination of a culturally diverse society by the ruling class, who manipulate the culture of that society, this influences audiences in to believing what they believe and force feeding them their ideologies. A prime example of this is the gatekeepers of major newspapers, such as the Times and The Sun, where the gatekeepers are usually the editors, who chose specifically what goes on the newspaper. For example, newspapers will put down negatives as they will show the audiences what is wrong rather than achievements. An example of this is the Ian Tomlinson murder where the press published that Ian Tomlinson had collapsed and died of a heart attack, but in reality he was attacked by an officer for being a bystander at the G20 protests. 

Thursday, 15 January 2015

Twitter WORK

  1. Why is respected news brands good news for Twitter?
The reason why respected news brands are good for Twitter is so it gives the brand of twitter a more professional outlook, due to the fact that they have reliable brands such as the Guardian and the Mail online signed up to twitter. 
  1. Why in turn is Twitter good for respected news brands?
Twitter is good for these brands as it allows them to the traffic on the sites to increase. This in turn will mean more hits to the online page which will have advertisement. As a result, the increase in the traffic visiting these web pages bought by twitter, advertisement revenues will go up which can mean the news brands can support their print newspaper with this increase in revenue.
  1. The report suggests that old and new media “are not, in fact, in direct competition, but often work extremely well together to enhance both the media eco-system and the consumer experience”. What evidence do they provide to support this idea? Do you agree with it?
The example provided is that of twitter and the ways users can experience an enhanced consumer experience for example one of the ways this can happen is through gossips or banter. A viewer of a TV show may find something funny and 'tweet' it to the 'twitter verse' that will join in the laughter or 'banter' and will create their own version or be involved in the gossip and/or banter. I believe that old and new digital media are working as a cohesive unit is far more beneficial to the consumer as they can have connected digital conversation/experience and are not torn between what they should choose to have it on.
  1. On page 24/25 of the report, the focus turns to gossip or banter. What example tweets from journalists are used to illustrate this? 
Ø  Kim kardashians behind being too big for her pants 
Ø  The sales figures for a arsenal toaster 
Ø  slang commentary on an interview with Nigel Farage calling out David Cameron or 'Dave' or as the journalist refers to him 

  1. Do you think the increasing amount of gossip or banter is harming the reputation of news and journalists?
I think it is harming the perception of journalist and journalism as they are now reporting on baseless and utter un professional nonsense, their standard of writing is deteriorating in order to earn money by feeding the crowd with pointless gossip and banter.

  1. What does the report say about trust in Twitter and journalists (look at pages 34-39)?
It says "Almost half of all Twitter users, and almost two thirds of news brand users, say it is important that news on Twitter is verified by a respected brand. This helps build trust in the content."
  1. Finally, do you think new and digital media developments such as Twitter have had a positive or negative impact on traditional newspapers?

New and digital media developments have had a positive impact on traditional newspapers as it has bought the traditional newspaper industry a new format to portray their news and in new styles and create a more regarded connection. However, the rise of UGC and Citizen Journalism has bought up the question whether journalists are needed or not as anyone can record events and post it on twitter/YouTube and compose articles and listicles on blogger and buzzfeed.

Sunday, 4 January 2015

Facebook apologises over 'cruel' Year in Review clips

Title: Facebook apologises over 'cruel' Year in Review clips

This article is about how the social network, Facebook apologised after it showed one user a photograph of his recently-deceased daughter in its ‘Year in Review’ feature; many others had similar complaints such as dead dog, boyfriends house burning down and a dead fathers ashes.

Ø  “Yes, my year looked like that. True enough. My year looked like the now-absent face of my little girl. It was still unkind to remind me so forcefully,” he wrote in a post titled “Inadvertent Algorithmic Cruelty”.


In my opinion, this shows how Facebook’s reliance on algorithms and formulas to make the site and app better has actually just caused many more inconveniences.  

Hacker fakes German minister's fingerprints using photos of her hands

Title: Hacker fakes German minister's fingerprints using photos of her hands

Jan Krissler, hacker, also referred to as Starbug in the hackers circle has managed to used high resolution photos, including one from a government press office, to successfully recreate the fingerprints of Germany’s defence minister Ursula von der Leyen. In a high profile stunt in 2013, he spoofed Apple’s Touched sensors within 24 hours of the release of the iPhone 5S. Using a smudge on the screen of an iPhone, he printed a dummy finger using wood glue and sprayable graphene, which successfully unlocked a phone registered to someone else’s thumb.

Ø  As the ACLU’s Jay Stanley told the Washington Post, “Biometrics are not secrets… Ideally, they’re unique to each individual, but that’s not the same thing as being a secret.”
Ø  Starbug agrees, telling Zeit in 2013 that “I consider my password safer than my fingerprint… My password is in my head, and if I’m careful when typing, I remain the only one who knows it.”

In my opinion, this highlights how new and digital media has become so advanced its helped hackers violate biometric systems. This is a simple evidence of how new and digital media can affect the audiences and the news.

Surge in illegal sales of drugs as gangs exploit ‘phenomenal market’ online

Title: Surge in illegal sales of drugs as gangs exploit ‘phenomenal market’ online

This article is about gangs using Smartphone apps and social media to sell erectile dysfunction drugs and slimming pills at low risk and high profit. The revolution of social media and the increased access to the internet through smart phones are factors that are the source to a massive rise in illicit sales of pharmaceuticals. Criminals and gangs have become accustomed to utilising social media to sell “lifestyle drugs”. The gangs operate through sites that claim to be bona fide online pharmacies with the main focus on medicines that people are reluctant to talk to their GP/pharmacy about, like Viagra.

Ø  This year, he said the MHRA had seized 1.2m doses of illegally supplied erectile dysfunction drugs, 383,000 slimming products and 331,000 doses of sleeping pills, tranquillisers and antidepressants – mostly originating from China and India. 
Ø  For the first time, the MHRA pursued YouTube accounts and removed 18,671 videos that directed viewers to websites offering illicit drugs.
Ø  Gangs that sold counterfeit drugs stood to make €200-€500 (£390) for every single euro invested. 
Ø  In 2010, the World Customs Organisation estimated that the global market for counterfeit drugs was worth $200bn (£130bn), putting it ahead of prostitution. The combined heroin and cocaine markets are worth $160bn. 


In my opinion, the revolution known as Internet has given birth to a world of freedom and opportunity, that has benefitted the working class as they are able to get there voice out and stand out rather than become a sheep to the shepherd known as our government. With the benefits of the internet and new and digital media there have also come consequences in this case being the rise of drug crime, where the risk is low and the profits are high.

Gmail blocked in China

Title: Gmail blocked in China

This article is very clear as it simply states that after the months of disruption to Gmail with an anti-censorship advocate, Gmail has been blocked in China. There has been a large number of cut off with Gmail addresses in China, in accordance to This site is a China-based freedom of speech advocacy group. Google’s transparency report has shown real-time traffic to Google has dropped in China. Nearly all of Google’s services have been heavily disrupted in China since June. China maintains tight control over the internet, quick to act against any signs of dissent or challenges to the ruling Communist party’s leadership. China has the world’s most sophisticated internet censorship mechanism, known as the “great firewall of China”.

Ø  “I think the government is just trying to further eliminate Google’s presence in China and even weaken its market overseas,” said a member of the group who uses a pseudonym.
Ø   “Imagine if Gmail users might not get through to Chinese clients. Many people outside China might be forced to switch away from Gmail.”

In my opinion, this article highlights the key debate of censorship and how new and digital media has assisted in the promotion of censorship. Originally, print and broadcast was censored in China in order to maintain control over the population of China; however the internet revolution prompted a ray of light in order to encourage more freedom and less censorship; however the Chinese government has managed to block out nearly all foreign companies. This is ironic as Google, known as an institution that has ruled over the internet with an iron fist is being denied of growth.  

PlayStation Network and Windows Live hack could be a hoax, experts say

Title: PlayStation Network and Windows Live hack could be a hoax, experts say

This article is about how the hacks of the Sony PlayStation Network, Microsoft Windows Live and 2K games may be a hoax as they are only just a collaboration of old hacks put together and that the hacking group known as DerpTrolling, may be living up to their name as trolls. Rik Ferguson, vice president of security research, explains that a majority of the data has cross over with data from previous breaches, especially ones associated with Adobe one.  

Ø  Hackers are claiming to have broken into the Sony PlayStation Network (PSN), Microsoft Windows Live and 2K Games to leak over 5,500 usernames and passwords.
Ø  A hack of the PSN would be the third intrusion into the service since a major attack in 2011, which saw 77m accounts stolen and the online gaming service taken offline for 24 days.
Ø  “Dear Internet, the following is a very small portion of Lord Gaben and the rest of his crews glorious raids across the high seas of the Internet,” the Derp hacking group said in an alleged data dump of over 2,100 PSN, 1,400 Windows Live and 2,000 2K account. “Let this be a warning to all. Nothing is safe from Derp.”


In my opinion, this article highlights two major debates, the first being privacy as there is no certainty of whether we are safe online, may it be gaming with Sony and 2K games or e-mail accounts on Windows Live. The quote “Privacy maybe an anomaly, now over” (Vint Cerf) which is evident in this case as no one is safe from hackers and online thieves. The second being the accuracy of information online is yet again being called in to question, as no one is can actually guarantee whether there have been hacks or not.   

Argos enters the mini-tablet market with a £100 Windows 8.1 machine

Title: Argos enters the mini-tablet market with a £100 Windows 8.1 machine

This article is about Argos selling windows tablets at £100 which is significantly cheaper and that being said they are selling the tablets at a loss, in order to gain a competitive advantage over Tesco, Sainsbury and staples along with other stores too. They are offering different things, like a terabyte of space on the One Drive cloud storage.  The article then does a soft ware review and delivers a verdict on the tablet. The star rating given is 3.5/5. The pros of it are: great value, especially if you want the Office bundle. It looks feels and works better than you’d expect from a £100 tablet. The cons of it are: poor battery life, and limited selection of Windows Store apps. Other constraints – RAM, storage, screen resolution etc – are excusable at the price.

Ø  Most of the new 7in and 8in Windows 8.1 tablets have very similar specifications. Usually they have a quadcore 1.33/1.83GHz Intel Atom Z3735G processor with Intel HD graphics, 1GB of memory and either 16GB or 32GB of eMMC Flash memory storage (eMMC is slower than SSD, but still fast).
Ø  The multi-touch screen has a resolution of 1280 x 800 pixels, and there are 2 megapixel cameras front and back, plus one or two tiny loudspeakers. The main connections are a 3.5mm stereo jack, a microSDHC memory card slot, microUSB OTG and HDMI ports, Wi-Fi, and Bluetooth 4.
Ø  The Bush MyTablet has an 8in screen, 32GB of storage (24GB free), and only one speaker. It measures 215mm x 123mm x 8.6mm and weighs 330g, so it’s tablet-sized. The top edge has an on-off button and a Windows Key button, separated by a volume rocker.


In my opinion, this article portrays how new and digital media has presented the change in which monolithic empires have dissolved in to cottage industries, demonstrating a more pluralistic society where there is more choice.