Title: Rolling TV election news eclipsed by Twitter,
Buzzfeed and Periscope
This article is about how rolling
television has suffered in the last 5 years, as the struggle for attention in a
world of Twitter, Buzzfeed and Periscope. The rise of new and digital media has
led to the fall in television news industry.
Ø Bewitched
by iPad apps, speak of “all platforms being equal”, and of the danger in
treating news channels as “some separate legacy product, like Windows 95”.
Ø Executive
producers and the entire planning team – around 30 editorial staff in total –
have been forced to reapply for a smaller number of jobs.
In my opinion, I believe that the
news industry has been suffering lately in light of the elections, and new and
digital media has risen in popularity due to its easy access and faster
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