Thursday, 9 April 2015

Independent Case Study : BBC and the television industry

The Basics
Your chosen industry:   
Television Industry                         
Your chosen case study (i.e. text/institution etc.):           
The BBC              
Have you received approval for this case study from your teacher?

1) How has new and digital media changed the audience experience in your chosen industry?
New and digital media has revolutionized the television industry for audiences as it has created a more convenient and faster experience, in terms of online catch up and online streaming. Where television programmes are available online through streaming sites and iplayers. Prior to new and digital media there was only one source to which audiences experienced televisions programmes were televisions.
2) Has new and digital media changed the way the audience consume your chosen product?    
Prior to new and digital media there was only one source to which audiences consumed televisions programmes were televisions, however through new and digital media, there have been faster ways to consume BBC products, such as BBC iPlayer, and not just the BBC but other television products too. 
3) Has the size of the audience changed as a result of new and digital media? 
There has been a growth in the size of the audience due to new and digital media as it had provided the audiences with a quicker and more accessible medium for the BBC, especially in regards to introduction of BBC iPlayer.

4) What are the positive changes new and digital media have brought to the audience of your case study? (E.g. greater choice, easier access etc.)          
Ø  Easier access
Ø  Faster
Ø  More convenient  
zz5) What are the negative changes new and digital media have had on your chosen audience? (E.g. quality of product etc.)               
Ø   Quality has decreased in regards to what has been shown.
6) What about audience pleasures - have these changed as a result of new and digital media?
Audience pleasures have changed. Prior to introduction of new and digital media, the only audience pleasure that has applied was the surveillance as the shows the BBC had aired were mainly news based shows and documentaries. However, in this current new and digital media age all 4 areas of audience pleasures applied. In regards to diversion, shows like Eastenders have led to escapism of real life problems.  In regards, to personal identity, the audience is able to identify with the issues and events as they have been through the same issues. In regards, to the personal relationship area the audience has developed a bond with the characters and identify with them.
7) What is the target audience for your chosen case study? Write a demographic/psychographic profile.          
The demographic for the BBC is a range of ages between 14-50 years old both male and female. The psychographics of the BBC are mainstreamers and due to its wide demographic and explorers due to its wide range of content and programming.                 

1) How has new and digital media had an impact on ownership or control in your chosen industry?
In the television industry there has been rise of competition, as there has been rise of ITV, E4 and the introduction of American channels such as FOX.  It has led to a rise in competition and led to a wider variety and choice for the audience but reduced profits for the institutions.
2) What impact has new and digital media had on ownership in your chosen case study?          
The BBC is in control of the TV licence fee, where they are funded by a remit to produce products that are used to “Inform, Educate and Entertain”. New and Digital media has promoted this by the introduction of BBC iPlayer. 
3) How has new and digital media changed the way institutions produce texts?             
New and digital media has been able to enhance the quality of the texts that the BBC is able to put out. For example, documentaries.
4) How has new and digital media changed the way institutions distribute their product?
Aside from the actually television channel the BBC has introduced the BBC iPlayer site and app on smartphones and tablets.
5) How might new and digital media threaten your chosen industry?  
New and Digital media is somewhat a threat to the television industry as it is possible for new and digital media to replace televisions entirely. As smart televisions have already been introduced that have built in applications like BBC iPlayer.
6) How has new and digital media changed the way your chosen industry is regulated?             
The regulation of the television industry has changed as prior to new and digital media the television industry there was more censorship and control. However, with the new and digital media there has been a larger acceptance of explicit content.

1) What examples of user-generated content can you find in your case study?
The BBC uses user generated content very scarcely and little. The BBC set up a user generated content team as a pilot in April 2005 with 3 staff. In the wake of the 7 July 2005 London bombings and the Buncefield oil depot fire, the team was made permanent and was expanded, reflecting the arrival in the mainstream of the citizen journalist. After the Buncefield disaster the BBC received over 5,000 photos from viewers. The BBC does not normally pay for content generated by its viewers.               
2) How has UGC changed things for audiences or institutions in your chosen case study?           
User generated content has been utilised by institutions in some cases where they have been integrated in mainstream media, as they have never used content that had been shot by citizens as it would have been classified as unprofessional and would be unwilling to use these, however due to new and digital media has led to people using their smart phones and cameras to record their videos of events and post them up or send them in to major institutions like the BBC.  

Marxism, Pluralism and Hegemony
1) What would be a Marxist perspective of the impact of new and digital media on your chosen case study?   
A Marxist perspective would suggest that new and digital media is used to keep institutions like the BBC at the top and maintaining the status quo, keeping the BBC as one of the major players in television.
2) How would a pluralist view the impact of new and digital media in your chosen industry?   
A pluralist would argue that new and digital media has allowed the television industry give opportunity to smaller channels and the birth to new channels. For example channels like Comedy central and ITV.          
3) Are there any examples of hegemony in your chosen industry or case study?             
The hegemonic control is maintained in the television industry through major players like News Corporation in the form of FOX and ITV.     

1) How has globalisation impacted on your chosen industry or case study?       
Globalisation in the television industry is evident, as they promote their different platforms, for example the BBC promotes BBC iPlayer on television and the BBC iPlayer app on both the television channels and the website.
2) In your opinion, has globalisation had a positive or negative impact on your chosen industry and case study? Why?
Personally, I believe that globalisation has had a positive impact on the television industry, as it gives them different platforms to which they reach their audiences and become synergetic. On the BBC, it had had a positive impact as they are able to provide their products and texts to a larger audience at a more easily accessible and faster way.
3) Can you find examples of cultural imperialism in your case study or industry? (The 'Americanisation' of the world)
In the television industry, the Americanisation has begun; this is due to the input of more and more American programming that is being bought to the UK through channels like E4 and FOX. Examples of programmes are The Big Bang Theory, 2 Brooke Girls and How I Met Your Mother. 

Social media
1) How has your industry or case study used social media to promote its products?      
The television industry and the BBC both have capitalised on social media, as they have created their own accounts on almost all social media sites. As the BBC has an instagram account for each of its channels. For example the BBC news instagram account posts regular images and videos of the latest and up to the min news, this is similar to the BBC twitter and Facebook accounts, where they post news up live, which can be shared and liked.                
2) Provide examples of how your case study has used social media and explain the impact this would have on audiences.              
On Facebook, the BBC account has posted a video of “Why are so many of Canada's Aboriginal girls being murdered?” the impact on the audience is that they are able to receive information on the go and there isn’t a need to sit down in front of the television to receive news. On Twitter, the BBC’s main account, posts tweets and news, as well as retweets and favourites, for example the BBC retweeted about the BAFTA awards nominations, thus promoting the television products. The impact on the audience is that it informs them about the latest on an even that the BBC is broadcasting. 
3) Is social media seen as an opportunity or a threat to your industry and case study?   
For the BBC and television, social media can be seen as both a threat and opportunity. It can be seen as a threat as it can divert the attention of the audiences and it has led to a rise in newer forms of entertainment such as Vines and youtubers. However, it can be seen as an opportunity to reach a wider audience and newer audiences, as well as inter-promote their apps, websites, and channels.   

1) What statistics can you find to illustrate the impact new and digital media has had on your industry or case study? For example, in news, the UK newspaper industry sold more than 12m copies a day in 2001 but in 2014 it was below 7m.   
Ø  Russia has shown the biggest growth for a single market, with the audience more than doubling to 6.9m weekly as people turn to the BBC for trustworthy and impartial news.
Ø  The BBC’s Ukrainian Service also reflects this trend with its audience more than trebling to more than 600,000 over the last year.
Ø  BBC World News TV shows an increase of 5m viewers, taking its weekly audience to 76m.
Ø  The Indian audience has grown, and shows signs of recovering from the last few years of decline. This comes thanks to investments in digital and TV for the Hindi Service, including the launch of the Global India programme on TV - which pulls in 6m weekly viewers - and an increase in World News viewers. These increases more than offset the loss of shortwave listeners to the Hindi Service.
Ø  BBC digital news services have continued to grow, with an 8m, or 21 per cent, year-on-year increase, bringing the digital audience to 46m.
Ø  The weekly audience for GN Ltd – which comprises BBC World News and - has increased to 95.5m from 88m last year: a rise of 8 per cent
Ø  The audience for the BBC World Service has remained broadly stable at 191.4 million (slightly down from 192.2m last year), with the introduction of new TV language bulletins boosting the World Service’s television audience
Ø  Increases in television and digital audiences are offsetting the decline (mainly on shortwave and medium wave) in radio listening. Radio audiences have dropped by 17m since last year, although radio still remains the biggest platform overall at 128m listeners, with TV viewers at 126m
Ø  The launch of responsive design (now available for all World Service languages) and the move to ‘mobile-first’ has contributed to mobile growth. A third of all weekly visitors to World Service websites come via mobile
Ø  For the first time, a nationally representative media survey was conducted in Yemen, showing an audience of 3.8m weekly viewers for BBC Arabic TV in that country
Ø  The average age of the audience for the BBC’s global news services is 32
2) What impact have the statistics you have found had on institutions in your chosen industry?
The impact of these statistics on the institutions in the television industry is that new and digital media has led to an increase in television and digital audience.
3) What has the impact been for audiences?    
The impact for the audiences is that they are consuming more and more in the aspects of digital media and television products.

1) What media theories can you apply to your chosen industry and case study? Select THREE media theories and explain how they are relevant to your case study. Note: these can be ANY of the theories we have learned over the whole of Year 12 and 13.          
The first media theory I will be using is the dependency theory this applies to the BBC as the audience of the BBC relies on reliable, unbiased and accurate news and broadcasting as well as their programming to be educated about different aspects. The audiences are reliant on their media texts and programming. This can also link to the hypodermic needle theory, where information is directly injected in to the audience’s mind, as they need their nest dose of entertainment. The next media theory I can apply to the case study is the theory of uses and gratifications. In regards to diversion, shows like Eastenders have led to escapism of real life problems.  In regards, to personal identity, the audience is able to identify with the issues and events as they have been through the same issues. In regards, to the personal relationship area the audience has developed a bond with the characters and identify with them.
Wider examples and secondary texts
1) What other texts or institutions are also relevant to your case study? What would be good secondary texts or examples to use to support the findings of your independent case study?
News Corporation is a good institution especially due to the recent argument over the TV license Fee and whether the BBC should be receiving it or, if it should be split.
Ø  John McDonnell MP claimed there were "undue influences from the Murdoch Empire" in the hastily agreed settlement that saw the licence fee frozen for six years and the corporation take on a greater financial burden, including the BBC World Service.   

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