Title: Google launches Project Fi, US wireless service
designed to curb data use
This article is about how Google
have released a new application called Project Fi, which is exclusively available
on the Google Nexus 6 phone and solely available on the sprint and T-mobile
networks. The function of the new application is that it switches between Wi-Fi
and cellular networks and more than 1m open, free Wi-Fi spots,
depending on which signal is strongest in order to curb data use thus this will
theoretically keep phone bills low. This is Google’s first step in to the
Wireless industry.
Ø The
service will cost $20 a month plus $10 per gigabyte of data used. Customers
will get money back for unused data.
Ø The
service will be available on only one device and has limited carrier coverage,
so it will not make Google a major wireless industry player, said Brian Blau,
research director at Gartner.
Ø The
company already has a strong presence in the mobile market through its Android
operating system, which hosts some of the most popular apps, such as Gmail and
Google Maps.
In my opinion, this article shows
how Google being a major media conglomerate is further expanding its landscape,
through the debut the application for the demographics of Sprint and T-mobile
in America for its own product. This shows how Google, Sprint Corp and T-mobile
are cross promoting each other’s products/services.
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