Title: The rise and rise of emoji social networks
The article begins by explaining
the dramatic change in the social networking world, where we have stopped using
actual words and started using emojis in order to communicate; shortening the
amount we have to say further than slang. The article then goes on to talk
about the release of an app called “Emojicate”. This app is an all emoji app,
where it has created custom emojis rather than using the built in emojis. The article
goes on to explain how the app works. Then it mentions the Emojili- UK app-was
announced before but release after the Emojicate app.
In my opinion this article
highlights the change in communication over the recent years from proper English
to short forms of words to slang and now to all out emojis. Personally it’s a dramatic
change in terms of the elder generations, who have little or no comprehension
of emojis and how they are used.
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