Title: Chinese anti-censorship group Greatfire.org suffers
massive hack
An advocacy group that helps
internet users inside China bypass blocks on censored content says it
is suffering a denial-of-service attack disrupting its operations.
Ø US-subsidised
Greatfire.org says the attack started two days ago and traffic is 2,500 times
above normal. It has affected “mirror”, or duplicate, websites that it has set
up via encrypted web services offered by companies such as Amazon.
Ø According
to the free-expression watchdog Freedom House, since late 2013 Greatfire.org
has been hosting content on domains owned by Amazon and other major companies,
which officials cannot risk censoring because of their large commercial
footprint within China.
Ø The
current denial-of-service attack that is flooding the mirror websites is
costing the group up to $30,000 per day in bandwidth.
Ø The
Open Technology Fund, a US-government-backed initiative to support internet
freedom, says on its website it provided Greatfire.org with $114,000 in 2014.